作家・作品に関するお問い合わせはCONTACTよりお願いします。If you have any questions about the artist or the works, please CONTACT
木島 貴文展「o Herbario」
Takafumi Kijima Exhibition [o Herbario] 2020.11.2-11.15 ▶read more ▶Online Gallery&Shop
門井幸子展「春 その春」
Sachiko Kadoi Exhibition [Spring, in the spring] 2020.11.24-12.6 ▶read more
金子隆夫 / 渋谷博一 / 白田直紀 / 羽生田優 / 箭内祐樹/ 横山 涼
Kobo Syu-Selected Artists' Exhibition ["The Twelve GIfts" CalendarⅣ ] 2020.12.12-12.24 ▶read more
Masaya Shirahama Exhibition [Star&Gold] 2021.1.16-1.30 ▶read more ▶Online Gallery & Shop
Ayana Yoda Photo Exhibition [anew] 2021.2.5-2.14 ▶read more
佐々木敏晴写真展「花伝」 ※ギャラリーカメリア共同企画
Toshiharu Sasaki Photo Exhibition [Kaden] 2021.3.3-3.13 ▶read more
石塚雅子展「光」 ※ギャラリーカメリア共同企画
Masako Ishizuka Exhibition [Hikari] 2021.3.16-3.28 ▶read more
Megumi Nakano Exhibition [Seimei no koro Ⅱ] 2021.4.2-4.11 ▶read more
ゴルマリヤム・マスウード・アンサリ―展「Anxiery and Hope」
Golmaryam Masood Ansari Exhibition [Anxiery and Hope] 2021.4.16-4.24 ▶read more
木坂美生展 ※ギャラリーカメリア共同企画
Mio Kisaca Exhibition 2021.4.27-5.9 ▶read more ▶『木坂美生―写真に見つめられて』(山村仁志氏)
半谷 学展「さしがさばな 21/2D」
Manabu Hangai Exhibition [Umbrella Flower21/2D ] 2021.5.21-5.30 ▶read more
Naoki Hakuta Exhibition [Flowers ] 2021.6.11-6.26 ▶read more
星晃展「un dia de lluvia Ⅴ」
Akira Hoshi Exhibition [un dia de lluvia Ⅴ] 2021.7.2-7.11 ▶read more
中根秀夫展「Stay out, stay home」
Hideo Nakane Exhibition [Stay out, stay home] 2021.7.22-8.9 ▶read more ▶『漂う,溶ける』(早見 堯氏)
Shiho Ito Exhibition [Season inside the water Ⅱ] 2021.8.24-9.4 ▶read more
Yoichiro Nishimura Exhibition [Ruten] 2021.9.10-9.25 ▶read more ▶『流転に寄せて―未知への扉を開く人』(鳥原 学)
Kazuhiro Ishigami Exhibition [Walk on the wall] 2021.10.1-10.16 ▶read more
exposition de tosio kojima [etude pour le secret] 2021.10.22-10.31 ▶read more
木島孝文展「o Herbário」
Takafumi Kijima Exhibition [o Herbário] 2021.11.9-11.21 ▶read more ▶『木島孝文のドローイング―紙にインク、あるいは線について』(内田あぐり氏)
Kay Watanabe Exhibition [In the woods, thinking] 2021.11.26-12.5 ▶read more
工房集セレクション展「12の月のおくりもの Ⅴ」 高谷こずえ/納田裕加/高橋 潤/伊藤 裕
Kobo Syu-Selected Artists' Exhibition ["The Twelve Gifts"Calendar Ⅴ] 2021.12.11-12.25 ▶read more
河 明求展「幸せな虎さん 2022」
Ha Myoung-Goo Exhibition [Happy Tiger 2022] 2022.1.14-1.29 ▶read more
Keiko Miyata Exhibition [DAN-DAN-DERU-ME] 2022.2.28-3.13 ▶read more
Hiroaki Nakatsugawa Exhibition [Dialogue with trees] 2022.3.18-4.9 ▶read more
半谷 学・養田純奈「ふたたびの花」
Manabu Hangai / Ayana Yoda [Flowering again] 2022.4.16-4.29 ▶read more
Shogo Ozaki Exhibition [My favorite things] 2022.5.5-5.15 ▶read more
小島敏男展 ― 日々の素描「草も物語のようにそこで育つのだ」
Tosio KojimaーDaily Sketches [The plants would grow there like the story] Gallery Camelliaと同時開催 2022.5.24-6.5 ▶read more
星 晃 展「或る日の雨Ⅵ」
Akira Hoshi Exhibition [un dia de lluvia Ⅵ] 2022.7.1-7.10 ▶read more
Takuboku Kuratani Exhibition [Black&Blue] 2022.8.5-8.20 ▶read more ▶幾重ものアナロジーが生み出すもの(鳥原 学氏)
Junya Koike Exhibition[Colorful Collapse] 2022.9.2-9.11
作家・作品に関するお問い合わせはCONTACTよりお願いします。If you have any questions about the artist or the works, please CONTACT