Gallery Nayuta は 2016年12月12日12時に幕を開けました。同場所で10年以上、志高い運営を続けてこられたa piece of space APS からの移行展でした。
これまでの全ての展示を時間軸で並べます。 どうぞ楽しんでご覧ください。関わって下さった多くの作家、お客様、「あなた」 にナユタは支えられています。
作家・作品に関するお問い合わせはCONTACTよりお願いします。If you have any questions about the artist or the works, please CONTACT
Toshiya Kobayashi Exhibition [Those who never say anything -weed- ] 2016.12.12-12.25 ▶read more
柳楽晃太郎展「Stopped WEAVING cloth, Decided WEAVING world.」
Kotaro Nagira Exhibition [Stopped WEAVING cloth, Decided WEAVING world. ] 2017.1.7-1.29 ▶read more
横湯久美展「爆弾か、黒雪ダルマ雪ダルマ / There Once Was」
Kumi Yokoyu Exhibition [There Once Was] 2017.2.9-2.26 ▶read more
Shigenobu Yoshida Exhibition [The flower of being] 2017.3.4-3.26 ▶read more
Megumi Nakano Exhibition [Seimei no Koro] 2017.4.4-4.16 ▶read more
工房集セレクション展「それぞれの "いきる"」 大串憲嗣/金子慎也/白田直紀/箭内裕樹
Kobo Syu Selected Exhibition [Everyone lived his own life] 2017.4.28-5.14 ▶read more
Takanori Shinohara Exhibition [Constellation] 2017.5.20-6.3 ▶read more
星 晃 展「或る日の雨」
Akira Hoshi Exhibition [un dia de lluvia] 2017.6.21-7.2 ▶read more
Etsuko Kasagi Exhibition 2017.7.5-7.16 ▶read more
西村陽一郎 展「小さな生き物」
Yoichiro Nishimura Exhibition [Dedication to tiny lives] 2017.7.28-8.12 ▶read more
白濱雅也展「Luna y Sol」
Masaya Shirahama Exhibition[Luna y Sol] 2017.9.1-9.17 ▶read more
ゴルマリヤム・マスウード・アンサリー展「DAMAGED VAGINA」
Golmaryam Masood Ansari Exhibition [DAMAGED VAGINA] 2017.9.28-10.8 ▶read more
Kosuke Yoneyama Exhibition [Okuno Zoo] 2017.10.14-10.29 ▶read more
Kazuhiro Ishigami Exhibition [The after apple] 2017.11.10-11.25 ▶read more
椎名 絢展「熱海」
Aya Shiina Exhibition[Atami] 2017.11.29-12.9 ▶read more
工房集セレクション展「12の月のおくりもの」 合津はるか/金森啓太/岡田亜弓/土屋莉恵/田村美弥/金子隆夫
Kobo Syu Selected Artist's Exhibition [Twelve Gifts Calendar] 2017. 12.12-12.24 ▶read more
ミヤタケイコ展「Lucky Charms」
Keiko Miyata Exhibition [Lucky Charms] 2018.1.12-1.27 ▶read more
Yoshihiro Hagiwara Exhibition[WINDOW] 2018.2.3-2.18 ▶read more
「桜前線」 佐藤希/椎名絢/中野めぐみ/山本藍子
Cherry Blossom Front 2018.3.8-3.18 ▶read more
Shigenobu Yoshida Exhibition 2018.3.24-4.1 ※Gallery Camellia同時期開催 ▶read more
Masako Moriwaki Retrospective Drawing 2018.4.6-4.15 ▶read more
Hironari Kubota Exhibition [beloved stones] 2018.5.3-5.13 ▶read more
Shigeru Nishikawa Photo Exhibition 2018.5.21-6.2 ▶read more
Manabu Hangai Exhibition [Umbrella Flower] 2018.6.5-6.16 ▶read more
星 晃 展「或る日の雨Ⅱ」
Akira Hoshi Exhibition [Un dia de lluvia Ⅱ] 2018.6.19-6.30 ▶read more
APS+Camellia+Nayuta 企画 岩尾恵都子展
Etsuko Iwao Exhibition 2018.7.2-7.14 ▶read more
Haruko Asozan Exhibition 2018.7.20-7.29 ▶read more
Shiho Itoh Exhibition 2018.8.2-8.12 ▶read more
「草木の囁き」小林俊哉/Kim Sang yeoul/倉谷拓朴
[The Whispers of Plants] 2018.9.10-9.22 ▶read more
Kosuke Yoneyama Exhibition [OKUNO ZOOⅡ] 2018.9.28-10.7 ▶read more
Katsuyuki Gibo+Yoichiro Nishimura [Girls in October] 2018.10.15-10.28 ▶read more
Takafumi Kijima Exhibition 2018.11.3-11.17 ▶read more
Mika Sakurai Exhibition[glow/sink] 2018.11.30-12.5 ▶read more
椎名 絢展「灯・潜る」
Aya Shiina Exhibition[glow/sink] 2018.11.23-11.28 ▶read more
工房集セレクション展「12の月のおくりものⅡ」 岩井美和子/岡田亜弓/鈴木大視/田中悠紀/福島良/山崎利之
Kobo Syu Selected Artist's Exhibition [Twelve Gifts CalendarⅡ] 2018.12.11-12.24 ▶read more
Ha Myoung-Goo Exhibition [My mysterious shrine] 2019.1.11-1.26 ▶read more
倉谷拓朴展「その森のできごと -さくら-」
Takuboku Kuratani Exhibition [The occurence in the forest -sakura-] 2019.3.1-3.11 ▶read more
Mayuko Hayashi Exhibition [Inside full-length mirror] 2019.3.15-3.24 ▶read more
春に寄す 祥洲/中込靖成/西村陽一郎
Dedicated to Spring Shoshu/Yasunari Nakagomi/Yoichiro Nishimura 2019.4.5-4.24 ▶read more
織田千代展「Fiberworks -時のリボン-」
Chiyo Oda Exhibition [Ribbon of moment] 2019.5.3-5.12 ▶read more
Gallery Camellia・Gallery Nayuta 共同開催
小島敏男展「彫刻 素描 写真」
Tosio Kojima Exhibition [Sculpture Sketch Photograph] 2019.5.21-6.2 ▶read more
ネリ・ソン展「"見る・触る・感じる” 紡がれてゆく世界」
Nelly Song Exhibition [Weaving the world "See, Touch, Feel"] 2019.6.7-6.15 ▶read more
星 晃 展「或る日の雨Ⅲ」
Akira Hoshi Exhibition Akira Hoshi [un dia de lluvia Ⅲ] 2019.6.25-7.6 ▶read more
Hideo Nakane Exhibition [Re: try to remember] 2019.7.15-7.27 ▶read more
BLUE 篠原敬典/白濱雅也/吉田重信
Takanori Shinohara/Masaya Shirahama/Shigenobu Yoshida 2019.8.5-8.17 ▶read more
Golmaryam Masood Ansari Exhibition [Chaos] 2019.9.20-9.29 ▶read more
半谷 学展「差傘花Ⅱ」
Manabu Hangai Exhibition [Umbrella FlowersⅡ] 2019.10.4-10.14 ▶read more
辿り着くことのない庭に橋を架ける 白濱雅也/林雅子/民佐穂
Bridge over the garden impossible to reach Masaya Shirahama/Masako Hayashi/Saho MIN 2019.10.22-11.3 ▶read more
秋の日 塩﨑由美子/平田星司
Days in Autumn Yumiko Shiozaki/Seiji Hirata 2019.11.12-11.23 ▶read more
Mika Sakurai Exhibition [Hana/NIngen] 2019.11.29-12.8 ▶read more
工房集セレクション展「12の月のおくりものⅢ」 足立直久/大澤 慧/片山沙也香/田中啓示/鶴岡一義/吉川千晶/吉田拓実
Kobo Syu Selected Artist's Exhibition [Twelve Gifts CalendarⅢ] 2019.12.12-12.24 ▶read more
ミヤタケイコ展「Lucky Charms ‐Primitive Pop‐」
Keiko Miyata Exhibition [Lucky Charms ‐Primitive Pop‐] 2020.1.14-1.26 ▶read more
西村陽一郎 展「光る玉」
Yoichiro Nishimura Exhibition [Luminus Spheres] 2020.2.3-2.15 ※同時期開催 Gallery Cafe 3 ▶read more
佐藤 希 展「山は深く、眠り」
Nozomi Sato Exhibition [Silence in Deep forest] 2020.2.25-3.7 ▶read more
米山幸助展「Plastic Planet」
Kosuke Yoneyama Exhibition [Plastic Planet] 2020.3.11-3.22 ▶read more
星 晃 展「或る日の雨 Ⅳ」
Akira Hoshi Exhibition [un dia de lluvia Ⅳ] 2020.7.3-7.12 ▶read more ▶Online Gallery
中根秀夫 展「木戸駅と」
Hideo Nakane Exhibition [#KidoStation] 2020.7.24-8.9 ▶read more ▶Booklet [#KidoStationⅡ] ▶Online Gallery&Shop
SYUTA 展「COVID-19 landscape of pandemic-2020」
SYUTA Exhibition [COVID-19 landscape of pandemic-2020] 2020.9.11-9.20 ▶read more
吉川直哉 展「Family Album」
Naoya Yoshikawa Exhibition [Family Album] 2020.10.12-10.24 ▶read more ▶Artbook[Family Album] ▶Online Gallery&Shop