(Mari Endo)
During the Covid-19 pandemic, memories from 35 years ago came flooding back to me.
The “One day” series came to light in 2020 as a means to record my memories like a photo album. Each piece captures the scenes, experiences, and emotions felt during the time spent in my husband’s home village and nearby town for almost 1 year dating back to 1988.
Kisumu is the name of his homeland, which is the 3rd largest city in Kenya, located at the shore of Lake Victoria.
“One day II” is a sequel to my initial print series that came to life in 2022. A continuum of pieces that link the 43rd piece from my previous series, to the final 64th piece.
Despite the foreign attributes whilst living in his homeland, I felt a deep feeling of unwavering nostalgia and togetherness within the community.
I welcome you to my memoir of my journey.
(Mari Endo)

Mari Endo 遠藤真理
夫の出身地であるケニア第3の都市キスムに約1年滞在した後、ケニアおよびタンザニアで日本企業の現地職員としてマネージメントに従事。2007年 現Kuona Artist Collective (旧Kuona Trust) で習得した 彫り進み多色木版画(※)の技能を生かし、2014年定年退職後、ケニアを拠点に版画家・墨イラストレーターおよびエデュケーターとして活動している。
2022年10月“ある日のこと”(北海道十勝・Art Labo北舟)
2023年4月 “ある日のこと”(東京・Gallery Nayuta)
2024年4月“ある日のことII”(東京・Gallery Nayuta)
2015年9月 “John Silver & Mari Endo”(ナイロビ・Karen Country Club)
2017年11月“ケニアアートフェア”(ナイロビ・Sarit Centre)
2018年12月“ 第6回東京国際ミニプリント・トリエンナーレ2018”(東京・多摩美術大
2019年2月“The 7th Guanlan International Print Biennial China 2019”(中国・深圳市)
2019年9月“Prints by Selected artists” (ナイロビ・One Off Gallery)
2020年6月“ International Virtual Engravist Printmaking Biennial”(イスタンブール)
2020年7月 “Covid 19 – Social Distancing”(ナイロビ・One Off Gallery)
2021年12月“Tiny works Christmas Show”(ナイロビ・One Off Gallery)
2022年3月 “Art Affair”(ナイロビ・One Off Gallery)
2022年4月 “Prints, Limited iterations” (ナイロビ・One Off Gallery)
2023年3月“2023国際婦人デー展覧会-Her Story” (ナイロビ・フランス文化センター)
2023年5月“迷想と恍惚2-その世界を見つめる”(京都・ギャラリー グリーンアンドガーデン)
2019年4月~ Shokudo Japanese Café/Restaurant(ナイロビ)
Award 賞歴
2018年 第6回東京国際ミニプリント・トリエンナーレ2018入選
Public Collection 版画作品所蔵美術館
Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan 東京都多摩美術大学美術館
China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen, China 中国深圳市中国版画美術館
Artist - Mari Endo
Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1959, Mari Endo graduated from Kuwasawa Design School with a degree in visual design in 1982.
She landed in Nairobi, Kenya in 1988 to pursue cultural studies at Japan Africa Culture Interchange Institute. She stayed in her husband’s homeland, Kisumu, from 1988 to 1989.
In 2007, she learnt *reduction woodcut printmaking in Kuona Artists Collective ( former Kuona Trust) in Nairobi.
After retiring from a Japanese trading company in Tanzania in 2014, she now spends her days in Kenya doing various activities from printmaking, Japanese ink painting and teaching art.
*Reduction woodcut print is multi-layer print form a single woodblock with the repeating process of carving and printing. Once the print is finalized, no more prints can be produced as the surface of woodblock is reduced.
Solo Exhibition
Oct., 2022 “One day”(Art Labo Kitabune, Tokachi, Hokkaido)
Apr., 2023 “One day”(Gallery Nayuta, Tokyo)
Apr., 2024 “One day II” (Gallery Nayuta, Tokyo)
Group Exhibition
Sept., 2015 “John Silver & Mari Endo”(Karen Country Club, Nairobi)
Nov.,2017 “Kenya Art Fair”(Sarit Centre, Nairobi)
Dec.,2018 “ The 6th Tokyo International Mini Print Triennial (Tama Art University
Museum, Tokyo)
Feb., 2019“The 7th Guanlan International Print Biennial China 2019”(Shenzhen,China)
Sept.,2019 “Prints by Selected Artists”(One Off Gallery, Nairobi)
June, 2020 “ International Virtual Engravist Printmaking Biennial”(Istanbul, Turkey)
July, 2020 “Covid 19 – Social Distancing”(One Off Gallery, Nairobi)
Dec., 2021 “Tiny Works Christmas Show”(One Off Gallery, Nairobi)
Mar., 2022 “Art Affair”(One Off Gallery, Nairobi)
Apr., 2022 “Prints, Limited Iterations” (One Off Gallery, Nairobi)
Mar., 2023 “2023 International Women’s Day Exhibition-Her Story”(Alliance Française, Nairobi)
May, 2023 “Meiso & Kokotsu 2 –Sono Sekai wo Mitsumeru (Gallery Green and Garden, Kyoto)
Permanent Exhibition
Apr.,2019~ Shokudo Japanese Café/Restaurant (Nairobi)
2018 Selected artist in The 6th Tokyo International Mini Print Triennial
Public Collection
Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan
China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen, China
Instagram: rockingmariendo

Mari Endo展「ある日のことⅡ」
Mari Endo Exhibition[One DayⅡ]
12:00-19:00 最終日 Lastday-17:00
休廊日 Closed on 3(Fri), 4(Sat), 8(Wed)