誰も見ぬ花、ひょっとしたら死者の見る花。墓で死者に花を捧げた人々は、あの世を信じているのだろうか。信じていないで、人は花をたむけられるものだろうか。 あの世がないのであれば、この花を見るのは誰だ。誰も見ぬ花であれば、私はこの美しい花々を覚書しよう。死者が見ているのならば、私は花どろぼうであろう。
Flowers that no one sees, except perhaps the dead may. Do those who
offer flowers to the entombed at the graveyards believe in the afterlife? Who would offer flowers without believing in it? If there is no afterlife, then who sees these flowers?
If there is no one to see the flowers, I will take notes of these beautiful flowers. If the dead were looking by any chance, I would be a flower robber.
Someday in the future, I will have to close down my family grave because there is no one to take care of it after me. Therefore, I visit the grave as many times as possible to beg my
grandmother, ancestors and the deceased for forgiveness and understanding that the times have changed and that I have no child. In doing so, I also realize that I will not join them in the grave nor have no one to offer flowers for me.
The flowers offered in the graveyards show that the entombed had happy and fulfilling lives, homes and the loved ones.
Getting offered such flowers is not so simple. They are flowers of honour.
Does the afterlife world exist? Did the flowers really reach the dead? Looking at the flowers that seem to seep into the gravestones, I cannot help but think that there is indeed another world, and also that the prayers of this world should reach the other side.
(Kumi Yokoyu)
横湯久美 Yokoyu Kumi
展覧会 1999年「Thinking Aloud」(Cameden Art Center, 英国) 2000年「Warning Shots!」(王立軍事博物館リーズ, 英国) 2004年「横浜写真館」(BankART1929) 2013年「その時のしるし/There Once Was」(photographers’ gallery) 2014年「POST3.11祭、炎上、沈黙、そして…」(東京都美術館) 2017年「爆弾か 黒雪ダルマ 雪ダルマ」(Gallery Nayuta) 2018年「時間 家の中で 家の外で」(原爆の図 丸木美術館)他 2021年「CHIBA FOTO」 2022年「千葉市美術館収蔵展」千葉市美術館 2023年「木曽ペインティングス」(長野県木曽郡)
所蔵作品 王立軍事博物館リーズ現代美術館(英国)、サンフランシスコ近代美術館(米国)他。

Kumi Yokoyu [A Grave Robber and Flowers]
12:00-19:00 Lastday-17:00
水曜休廊 Wednesday Closed