“Burying Mountain and Worshipping isle”
Tsushima, an island on the border of Japan and Korea. I have been photographing this island for many years on medium format film. As an island on the national border, it is a precious island in Japan where the cultures of Japan and Korea have been intermingled since ancient times, and still preserves their own unique cultures.
This year, there has been a lot of discussion on this island as a potential site for the disposal of nuclear waste.
I was keenly aware this is an important topic I must keep thinking about as a person living today. Covering a single place for a long time sometimes leaves me with critical social questions. What do you think, and how will you express your will?
I could say that these photos of this small, beautiful border island are my self-portraits of living today.
(Ali Uchida)

「葬る山、斎く島」 2020-2023 プラチナパラジウムプリント
2001年 東京造形大学デザイン1類写真コース卒業
2006年 文化庁新進芸術家国内研修員(東京藝術大学写真センター)
2017年 公益財団法人テルモ生命科学芸術財団助成(日本画材料による写真古典技法の研究)
2020年 個展「葬る山、斎く島」(鎌倉ドゥローイングギャラリー)
2022年 グループ展「縄文へのオマージュ」(ギャラリーTOM)、
個展「風景のディアスポラを撮る 済州島、壱岐・対馬、そして長崎」(ギャラリー册)
2023年 Reminders Photography Stronghold主催 「Le Plac Art Photoに作品をピッチする日」大賞受賞
Ali Uchida was born in Tokyo in 1978.
She graduated from Tokyo Zokei University and studied the large scale printing technique at the Tokyo University of the Arts Photography Center as a domestic trainee of the Upcoming Artists of the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
Later, as an overseas trainee of the Pola Art Foundation, she studied the gum print process, a alternative photographic technique, in Goa, India. In recent years, she has received research assistance from the Terumo Life Science Foundation, researched alternative photographic techniques using materials for Japanese painting, and has been engaged in daily research and production to further improve her works.
She has held exhibitions in Japan and abroad such as "On an Isolated Island" (2019 Musee F, Tokyo.) and "Mountain of the Dead and the Holy Island” (2020 Kamakura Drawing Gallery,Kanagawa.). For nearly 10 years, she has been doing fieldwork on the history of Tsushima, Nagasaki Prefecture in Japan, taking pictures of the scenery with a film camera. In recent years, she has released several platinum prints that incorporate Japanese painting techniques.

Ali Uchida Exhibition[Burying Mountain and Worshipping Isle]
2023. 10. 6 (Fri) - 10.21 (Sat)
水曜休廊 Closed on Wednesday
12:00 - 19:00 最終日-17:00