小さな駅を基点とするこのわすれがたい写真を ご覧いただきたい。
(企画 佐藤香織)
Kido Station is a station on the JR Joban Line in Naraha-machi, Futaba-gun, Fukushima.
Since 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Hideo Nakane has visited the area and he captured photographs of what he witnessed,
and reflects them on his artwork sensitively and intuitively.
During this midsummer exhibition period, Tokyo Olympics had been scheduled to take place.
Disasters are always in the world, and we are always swept away by the wave of oblivion.
Gallery Nayuta would like our guests to see these unforgettable photographs, which start from this small station.
(Kaori Sato)

中根秀夫 経歴
千葉県出身 神奈川県在住
1992年 東京芸術大学美術学部絵画科日本画学科卒業
1993年 ブリティッシュ・カウンシルの奨学金を取得. 渡英
1995年 The Slade School of Fine Art 大学院絵画科修了. イギリス国内で展覧会に参加。
1996年帰国後, 厚木市文化会館主催の個展,「VOCA展97」上野の森美術館, The London Groupのメンバーとしてロンドンでの展示他, 国内外でグループ展等へ参加する. 2004年からはGalerie SOLで継続的に個展を開催する.
2014年 池内晶子との写真展 「a white Day」Café & GalerÍa PARADA, かみむら泰一(Sax 即興)とのDVD製作「Mellow Yellow Project」など, 企画性の強いプロジェクトに携わる. 2015年 平田星司と共同企画「Aesthetic Life – Automatic 」トキ・アートスペース, 2016年 武田多恵子(詩)かみむら泰一(Sax)との共作の映像「もういちど秋を」Galerie SOL, 2017年 第6回 都美セレクション グループ展「海のプロセス-言葉をめぐる地図アトラス 」東京都美術館を平田星司と共同企画する. 2018年「はるかな時のすきまで - ephemeral / eternal」旧田中家住宅. 2019年 個展「うつくしいくにのはなしⅡ」Galerie SOL 「もうひとつのもういちど秋を」Gallery Nayuta.
2020年特別上映会「ちいさなくに - in a small realm」等.
Hideo Nakane|Profile
Born in Chiba, Japan. works and live in Kanagawa, Japan
1988-92 Tokyo National University of Fine Art and Music
1993 Scholarship from the British Council
1993-95 The Slade School of Fine Art
After returning to Japan in 1996, participated in several exhibitions such as the first solo exhibition “Ordinary Time” at Atsugi City Bunka-kaikan Hall in Kanagawa, “The Vision of Contemporary Art '97” at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo and also in the UK, works shown in group exhibitions as a member of the London Group up to 2010. Major exhibitions have been organized at Galerie SOL in Tokyo continuously since 2004.
Organized remarkable projects such as; “Aesthetic Life -Automatic" at Toki Art Space in 2015 and "Process of the Sea -Words Atlas" at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in 2017 — cocurated exhibition with Seiji Hirata; "a white day" — a photography show with Akiko Ikeuch at Café & GalerÍa PARADA in 2104; "Mellow Yellow Project — DVD production with Taiich Kamimura (sax, improvisation) in 2013; "Try to remember — video collaboration with Taeko Takeda (words) and Taiich Kamimura (sax) in 2016, solo exhibition "a tale of a beautiful country - forget-me-not"Galerie SOL, “Re:try to remember" Gallery Nayuta in 2019, "in a small realm" Saitama City Cultural Center Hall, etc.

Hideo Nakane Exhibition [#KidoStation ]
2020. 7.24 (Fri) - 8.9 (Sun) 水曜・木曜 休廊
12:00 - 19:00 Lastday - 17:00 Wednesdays&Thursdays|Closed