横浜にあったギャラリー那由他での初個展「幻想民族」から この5月で20年。
Hironari Kubota is the unique artist, known as making gigantic moving sculptures and the printworks using his own bare back tatooed.
At this occasion, he will exhibit his recent art activity of “KONSEKI-IN / Place for Beloved Stones” and new clay works.
It has been exactly 20 years since his first solo exhibition “Illusory Race” at Gallery Nayuta once located in Yokohama (1994-1999).
Did he change or not change ? We hope you would see and enjoy the continuous progress of the artist.
(Curated by Kaori Sato)
( 久保田弘成 )
A huge bedrock in the high place collapses into the water stream to be washed down, ended up as countless small rocks.
After a long time of constant collisions, polishing and weathering, as they tumble down to the lower stream,
most stones have smooth surface and round shapes. However, some of them are found in unique and powerful shapes remained.
They look like living existence trying to stand up against gravity, or a sculpture with a vector. I became attached to such stones and
started collecting them, calling them “KONSEKI / Beloved Stones”, and named my storage hut “KONSEKI-IN / Place for Beloved Stones.”
(Hironari Kubota)

1974年 長野県諏訪郡生まれ。武蔵野美術大学大学院美術専攻 彫刻コース修了。土地の歴史や風土を反映させた、自然崇拝的祭礼を原型にし、車や漁船を用いた彫刻やインスタレーション、パフォーマンスを発表。武蔵野美術大学パリ賞、財団法人ポーラ美術振興財団助成金、文化庁新進芸術家留学制度により、フランス、ドイツにて活動し、ヨーロッパ各地、アメリカ、メキシコ、中国で制作発表を行う。帰国後、大阪、福岡、熊本などで滞在制作。個展開催、グループ展参加等多数。現在、東京在住。
作家HP Hironari Kubota
久保田弘成展「根石院 / 石を愛する」
Hironari Kubota Exhibition[KONSEKI/Beloved Stones]
5/3(木)-5/13(日) 12:00-19:00 最終日-17:00 5/8休廊