(企画 佐藤香織)
Born and brought up in a dairy farmer’s family, the artist Kazuhiro Ishigami lives and is active in his hometown Shizuoka.
He has created many objects of cows that were close to him in his daily life, including invisible presence of life to be born
that’s growing inside a cow or other animals, and a bus stop, and also Mt. Fuji.
The artist’s subject that underlies his works is to realize such things within which dwell some sort of memories and senses perceived on one’s body that don’t neatly fit into daily life.
In this late-autumn exhibition, Ishigami’s sculpture of the core of an eaten apple occupies the space of Gallery Nayuta.
The apple core reminds us of the juicy flesh of the fruit that used to be there, and thus the sculpture richly expresses
the fruit itself and the lost mass as well.
A piece on a scale of one fifth to the original sculpture “After Apple,” that is presently exhibited in the 27th UBE Biennale
(for modern Japanese sculpture), and other related works are shown in the gallery.
(Curated by Kaori Sato)
Sculpture of an apple core may look unsteady and undurable because the core is a sort of waste after consumption. But from the other view, we know unconsciously that the energy of the apple we eat becomes a part of us.
Purpose of eating is not to make a certain space, but the hollow left after an apple is eaten is an evidence of transformation of the fruit to a part of our life. So we can regard it as a substantial space.
Especially in apple-producing districts where the fruit’s energy originates and has been shared among us all, we can feel the weight of eaten apples.
To my sculpture “After Apple,” I’ve applied some architectural approaches to construct the lost space.
Center of the apple core became a column. I’ve put boards over the former internal (now external) surface of the core to make a unified form from the floor through the column to the ceiling.
The apple peel shaped the exterior of the apple hut to work as a part of its wall and roof. Finally, an open structure with a round engawa (the external corridor with a boarded floor), or one like an arbor was born.
The energy of the space created by the eaten part of the apple has been transformed to a public place for people to take a rest.
Sitting in the “After Apple,” you’ll feel and see the wind that used to make the apple branches swing, the rain that poured over the apple tree, and the landscape of the land that let the apples grow.
(Kazuhiro Ishigami, Sculptor)
石上 和弘 Kazuhiro Ishigami
1966 静岡市生まれ
1991 武蔵野美術大学彫刻学科卒業
1996-2003 同大学非常勤講師
1999 静岡県立美術館非常勤嘱託員 実技室の企画、運営を担当(単年度)
■個展 (主なもの)
1991 「地面に跡を残す」 かねこあーとG1(東京)
1994 「GARDEN」 ギャラリー+1(東京)
「ブロンズ小品展」 スペース展(東京)
1996 「泉の器」 ギャラリー那由他(横浜)、アートプッシュピン(静岡)
「habit-habitat」 CACギャラリー(東京)
1997 「道のりと目的」 松明堂ホール(東京)
1998 「羊水浴」 ガレリヴォワイヤン(静岡)、ガレリアグラフィカbis(東京)
2000 「生まれ出るところ」 プラスマイナスギャラリー(東京)
2003 「風景に流してしまうもの」 ミクストメディア(静岡)
2004 「アダムの着衣」 元麻布ギャラリー(東京)
「私を連れて行って」 ギャラリーユイット(東京)
2005 「庭の高さ」 プッシュピンギャラリー(静岡)
2006 「room」 現代ハイツギャラリー伝(東京)
2007 「脱衣室」 シャギードッグギャラリー(東京)
「粒子の向こう側」 帝塚山画廊(大阪)
2008 「納屋」 ギャラリーユイット(東京)
「BUS STOP」 マキイマサルファインアーツ(東京)
2010 「荒野へ」 路地と人(東京)
2012 「牛と物語の大きさ」 RYU Gallery(富士宮)
2013 「botanicow」 金座ボタニカ(静岡)
2014 「富士景」マキイマサルファインアーツ
2015 「チョウコクノモリ/チョウコクノヒロバ」
■ グループ展 など(主なもの)
1997 神奈川アートアニュアル'97「明日への作家たち」神奈川県民ホールギャラリー(神奈川)
2007 「メキシコ.日本交流彫刻展」 MACY(ユカタン州メリダ)
2008 「日本の微熱」高島屋美術画廊(東京) (2010年も出品)
「THE LIBRARY」+「この場所で」 静岡アートギャラリー(静岡)
2010 「THE LIBRARY」 足利市美術館(栃木)
2013 「あいちトリエンナーレ2013キッズトリエンナーレ」でワークショップ[私の心が雲に乗る](愛知)
2015 「めぐるりアート静岡」静岡県立美術館
「神戸ビエンナーレ アートインコンテナ国際展」 準大賞受賞(兵庫)(2009,2011年も出品)
2017 「第27回UBEビエンナーレ(現代日本彫刻展)」(山口)
Kazuhiro Ishigami Exhibition[ The after apple ]
2017.11.10 (Fri)-11.25 (Sat)
Open: 12:00-19:00 Closed: 月曜&火曜 / Monday & Tuesday

撮影 / 下瀬信雄 協力 / UBEビエンナーレ