「Luna y Sol(月と太陽)」、楽しみな結実です。
(企画 佐藤香織)
Masaya Shirahama, born in Iwate, moved from Tokyo to Obihiro in Hokkaido a few years ago.
Having a taste for northern lands and culture, the artist has fully enjoyed an artist-in-residence program in Mexico
this summer. It’s interesting to discover a person’s multifarious possibilities and adaptability in a different environment. You’ll see something like a genetic linkage between Shirahama and Mexico through allegory and exaggeration in his works.
We expect his September exhibition “ Luna y so l” ( The moon and the sun ) at Gallery Nayuta will reveal unique fruits of his experience in the southern country.
( Curated by Kaori Sato )

Boundless cheerfulness and sunny smiles I’ve met in Mexico, the modest manner and quiet smiles familiar to me in Japan, and the free and openhearted atmosphere of Hokkaido where I live….
Once I visit places and learn their history and background, each place would show me quite different expression under the ordinary face. Then I feel a strange recognition that I and people of the distant places share something inside with each other.
In my exhibition “ Luna y sol ” to be held early in September at Gallery Nayuta, I’d like to compose a compact space of difference and similarity from the old & new, the east & west, and the north & south.
(Masaya Shirahama)
白濱雅也 略歴
1961年岩手県釜石市生まれ、多摩美術大学美術学部卒業。90 年代より物語的な不条理絵画や立体を発表する。
2012年越後妻 有アートトリエンナーレで、臨床美術プロジェクト「はつがの家」 をディレクション。
震災後、鎮魂の意を込めた木彫に取り組む。震 災をテーマにしたグループ展「POST3.11」を企画。
2014年、都美セレクショングループ展にて東京都美術館で、続編を原 爆の図丸木美術館で開催し、メキシコでの
ダイジェスト展を開催。 2014年より十勝在住、オルタナティブギャラリー ArtLabo北舟/NorthenArkを主宰。
白濱雅也展 「Luna y Sol」
Masaya Shirahama Exhibition [ Luna y Sol ]
Open: 12:00 -19:00
Closed: 月曜&火曜 / Monday & Tuesday