白田直紀 Naoki Hakuta
「握る」ミニマルアーティスト 金子慎也さん、
それぞれの輝き、根源性に 会いにいらしてください。
(企画 佐藤香織)
KOBO SYU is a place where living is naturally inseparable from creating.
Gallery Nayuta presents the selected works by 4 artists from the studio where fresh art is born every day.
Drawings by Kenji Ogushi are like poetry thickly covered with crayons.
Wonder flowers of Naoki Hakuta grow freely and bloom wildly.
The minimal artist Shinya Kaneko makes indefinite forms by his grip on lumps of clay.
Behind the dense accumulation of languorous lines by Yuuki Yanai may hide fragments of a nightmare.
Welcome to our gallery to meet the four’s own brilliance and fundamentals of living.
( Kaori Sato )
大串憲嗣 / 金子慎也 / 白田直紀 / 箭内裕樹
Kenji Ogushi / Shinya Kaneko / Naoki Hakuta / Yuuki Yanai
2017. 4. 28 - 5. 14
Open : 12:00-19:00
Close : 月曜日&火曜日/Monday&Tuesday
協力 工房集